
General Information

Name Erick F. Bohnenblust
Linkedln , Github

Work Experience

  • Sept 2022 - Present
    Senior Revenue and Capacity Analyst
    National Railroad Passenger Corporation - Amtrak. Washington, DC.
    • Developed and implemented alternative inventory-management strategies and spoil controls to identify and generate more opportunities through stimulating demand and driving revenue growth. For the 2023 fiscal year, this implementation generated more than ten million dollars on year-over-year revenue growth for all assigned routes and despite fleet constraints.

    • Developed statistical and data-reporting tools for a continuous and more effective oversight of strategies and spoil controls’ performance in order to avoid revenue dilution and inventory spoilage.

    • Developed a framework for market analysis, demand forecast, and an inferential simulation for the creation and implementation of mapping logic for a new pricing and inventory structure, preventing disruption in revenue management.

    • Improved existing data visualization tools and created a new data analysis frame that includes more detailed information on every assigned train and route, such as sectional and directional analysis, time series analysis, among others for enhancing analytical capabilities and reducing data bias and turning them into unbiased business decisions.

    • Proactive participation on evaluating and formulating recommendations of current business practices and systems, such as recommendations for the Amtrak website, the new Revenue Management System, as well as identifying an existing bias in the performance indicators for assigned Midwest routes.
  • Aug 2022 - Sept 2022
    Account Management Specialist
    Internal Revenue Service - IRS. Denver, CO.
    • Processed taxpayers’ account inquiries, highly sensitive account updates and other requests by providing general information on tax law, taxation procedures, available resources, and monitoring the data-requests performance indicators.

    • Participated in the evaluation of the requests’ processing workflow to support quality indicators and recommended an additional frame for processing sensitive data queries with increased accuracy and effectiveness.
  • Jan 2022 - Jun 2022
    Graduate Research Assistant
    The World Bank Group. Washington, DC.
    • World Bank Research Project : "Improving Public Sector Productivity in Malaysia."

    • Collaborated in the literature review, collected, organized, and cleaned proprietary datasets, using Python and Stata.

    • I applied statistical/econometrics (causal inference) techniques and other methodologies to analyze data and backing research’s conclusions about the relationship between public sector productivity and economic growth.

    • Gathered and shaped available data for modeling the impact of a public sector productivity improvement in the economy, concentrating more on the direct effects in economic growth.

    • Developed statistical simulation, for the years where data were not available or incomplete, but they were still necessary to reinforce a robust time series analysis of macroeconomic indicators.

    • Presented findings and conclusions to the WB researchers, to the scholars from the Economics Department, and graduate students of the Macroeconomic Analysis class.
  • Sept 2021 - Apr 2022
    Assistant Research Fellow
    California Polythecnic State University. San Luis Obispo, CA.
    • Working Research Project : "Sweating the energy bill: Extreme weather, poor households, and the energy spending gap.."

    • Participated in the literature review and data analysis from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) databases by applying econometric models using Python, R and SQL.
  • Jun 2020 - Dec 2020
    Instructional Assistant
    Florida International University. Miami, FL.
    • Assisted students with in-class activities and tutoring sessions of Precalculus, Algebra, and Trigonometry.

    • Collaborated on grading assignments, projects, quizzes, and supplement classes in the absence of the lecturer.


  • June 2022
    Master of Science in Quantitative Economics
    California Polytechnic State University - CalPoly. San Luis Obispo, CA.
    • Relevant Coursework : Mathematics for Economic Analysis, Statistics for Econometrics, Advanced Econometrics I, Advanced Econometrics II, Microeconometrics, Microeconomics Analysis, Computing and Machine Learning for Causal Inference, Dynamic Stochastic Modeling, Evidence-Based Decision Analysis, Economics Research and Communication.

  • December 2020
    Bachelor of Science in Economics
    Florida International University - FIU. Miami, FL.
    • Relevant Coursework : Mathematical Economics, Statistics, Econometrics, Measurement and Data Analysis of Economic Activity, Quantitative Economics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Intermediate Macroeconomics, Financial Accounting, and an additional sequence of courses from the department of Mathematics and Statistics.


    • Languages : English, Spanish.

    • Programming : R, Python, MATLAB, SQL, Stata, Latex, Cloud Computing, Excel, Microsoft office.

    • Excellent analytical skills, effective communication skills, high emotional IQ, cooperative team member who also likes independent work.

    • Eager advocate for effective learning environment that enhances creativity, collaboration, and productivity among individuals, working teams, and organizations.